Manual garbage segregation can never be used at the preliminary level since it can indulge in severe health problems for the people involved in it. In the urban areas, rag pickers are involved directly as they expose their bare hands while collecting garbage from public garbage bins and landfills making them vulnerable to health risks. Segregation of garbage at the source level (even if it is primitive segregation) is the solution to the country’s garbage management crisis. It would open a new horizon for further treatment and recycling of garbage.
Dry garbage comprises of paper, metallic garbage, plastic, etc. - anything which can be kept for quite a long time. Wet garbage comprises of organic material like vegetable peels and fruit garbage which can be made into compost. The treatment of wet garbage could produce compost and biogas. Biogas could be used as an alternative renewable source of energy which can be used in households. It is a cleaner fuel compared to fossil fuels. Since it is a low-cost fuel, it can be used by many poor households for cooking. The compost obtained in the treatment of wet garbage could be offered to farmers at a cheaper rate. This could reduce the use of fertilizers in farming which increases the quality of soil and the produce obtained. The dry garbage collected should be sent for further segregation by which materials can be recycled or reused.
The economic potential of garbage segregation will be improved. Employing this methodology in the garbage management of urban cities will reduce the usage of landfills.